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1. Invited Oral Presentation: Oriented Zeolite Thin-Films as Model Systems for Reaction Behaviors Study, Nanocatalysis for Fuels and Chemicals Workshop, Lille 1 University, France, 19-04-2019.


2. Oral Presentation: Channel Orientation Effects of MFI zeolite during Methanol-to-Hydrocarbons Process, NAM26, Chicago, United States, 23 to 28-06-2019.


3. Invited oral presentation: An Oriented Microporous Membrane for Chemical Industry Applications, CHAINS2018 (Dutch chemistry conference), Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 3 to 5-12-2018. 

4. Invited oral presentation: Oriented Zeolite Membranes with Controllable Performance, Dutch Zeolite Association (DZA) meeting 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-10-2018.


5. Oral presentation: Nanoscale Infrared Imaging of Zeolites Using Photoinduced Force Microscopy, International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals 2018, Yokohama, Japan, 5 to 10-08-2018.


6. Invited poster presentation: Synthesis of Highly Oriented Zeolite ZSM-5 Films as Catalysts and Model Catalytic Systems, Materials • Characterization • Catalysis, ETH, Switzerland, 07-01-2018.


7. Oral presentation: Fluorescence Microscopy-Assisted Fabrication of Highly b-Oriented Aluminosilicate MFI Films, the 13th European Congress on Catalysis, Florence, Italy, 27 to 31-08-2017.


​8. Poster presentation: Synthesis of Highly Oriented Zeolite ZSM-5 Films as Catalysts and Model Catalytic Systems, Nanoporous Materials and Their Applications in GRC, Andover, United States, 06 to 11-08-2017.


​9. Oral presentation: Fabrication of Highly b-Oriented Aluminosilicate MFI Films with a Broad Range of Si/Al Ratios, The 18th Netherlands' Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, Noordwijkerhout, The Nerthelands, 07-03-2017.


​10. Poster presentation: Fabrication of b-Oriented Aluminosilicate MFI Films: Influence of Aluminum on Film Morphology and Orientation, the 3rd Euro-Asia Zeolite Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 24-01-2017.


​11. Poster presentation: Probing the Structure Evolution of Iron‐Based Fischer-Tropsch to Produce Olefins by Operando Raman Spectroscopy, 2nd China-United States Symposium on Energy, Shanghai, China, 28-06-2015. (Best Poster)

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